Early Fall Bass Fishing & Boat Motor Problems
I headed out last Sunday evening to the lake, and caught some early Autumn bass. I like this time of year. The days get cooler and comfortable, the leaves start to change, etc. Although, for the past week, its been in the 80's and even a couple days hit the 90's. So much for cool and comfortable! My boat motor was giving me a lot of trouble last weekend. It would almost turn over on the first pull, and would not start from then on. So I used my trolling motor only. After taking it home and checking it over, I found that the spark plug terminal tips somehow became very loose and I tightened them back on. Never seen them do that before. Regardless, I gave the motor a couple pulls and it started right up. Fall fishing for bass is a lot of fun in Maine. Most of the fair weather anglers are done for the year, so that means less boat traffic (sometimes NO boat traffic). As I said, usually its nice and cool. Sometimes the middle of the day can be great for bass fishing this tim...